A venture into new lands is always a risky one. But one which is rewarding is one worth exploring. Most of all, the experience as a whole is something to look forward to – To learn and grow together. After all, this Thanksgiving season is one of giving, sharing, and receiving (Just a little pun for all our “Friends” TV series geeks out there). So it would only be apt to do the same.
You asked and we DAMN SURE delivered!
Zippy Opinion is so much more than just most of your regular old paid survey sites as we all know by now. We have been in the US for quite some time now. However, the launch of its very own Zippy community is something our members and users have been demanding for and it is something that has finally happened!
The What
Our Zippy Opinion USA family is one that we are EXTREMELY proud of and will always be. We believe in rewarding every consumer. We value your opinions and thoughts and will ensure we do our utter best in giving you what you have asked for and more importantly what you deserve.

The When
On the 26th of November 2020, in the early break of dawn, the Zippy Opinion USA Community was born as a platform to be thankful for all the opinions and efforts made by our ever-growing Zippy Opinion members. And Why not? It was the day of Thanksgiving, after all!
The Where
If you haven’t registered to Zippy Opinion already, BELIEVE ME, you need to do that first as you’re missing out. You can easily earn some kickass rewards by taking surveys for money. Here’s how you go about it:
- Head to Zippy Opinion on your browser
- Click on ‘Join Us’
- Enter your details and Register
- Verify via your email ID
Once that is done, it is incredibly easy to access the Zippy Opinion Community and you get all the perks and goodies that come with it. There are no hidden charges or costs to be a part of this EXCLUSIVE space. Anyone with an opinion can join this platform. All you gotta do is given below in 3 simple steps:
- Log in to Zippy Opinion
- Click on ‘Community’ from the Navigation bar
- Welcome to Zippy Community
See! What’d I tell you? Simple, Safe & Most of all, FREE!!!
The How
Online surveys through Zippy opinion is one of the easiest ways to earn vouchers and rewards by simply answering a few questions from the comfort of your home using nothing but your smartphone. All you gotta do is be a couch potato, tell us what you think, and get paid from surveys.
A Zippiful Thanksgiving Indeed!
With the launch of the Zippy Opinion USA Community, came a Zippy Thanksgiving Challenge in which we held contest questions and polls for our members to win prizes worth up to a WHOPPING $150 and several Zippy Points to boot! Now come on folks, isn’t that amazing or what? Fun interactions amongst the fraternity, engaging debates on some serious and some not-so-serious issues, being thankful to everyone in the life we have and earning cool rewards are what progressed throughout the Zippy Thanksgiving Challenge. A platform where you can be vocal and be heard even in the darkest of times.
The Highlights of the Launch
Running from the 26th of November to the 2nd of December, the Zippy Thanksgiving Challenge included hard-hitting and thought-provoking topics like the recently held US presidential elections, COVID-19 safety measures & precautions and animal rights to mention just a few.
Questions and polls were conducted to understand your thoughts, opinions, and the reason behind them. The healthy conversations only brought the whole Zippy family even closer together.
The Necessity
There is a popular saying that goes, ‘It takes a village to raise a child’.
The village in reference here is a community you belong to. One can belong to several communities with varying reasons for the same. But despite our differences, we come together under one GIANT umbrella. More precisely – The Zippy Umbrella – “Divided by Opinion but United as a Community”

The need to make a community for our beloved Zippy Opinion members in the United States comes from a place of thought & sheer gratitude. We want to primarily reward our members for all their efforts in making our brand a successful one. Our members can fraternize and earn even more rewards through the community by participating in contests, polls, and other such initiatives. We take the phrase a penny for your thoughts quite literally! Your opinion matters more to us than you’ll ever know and we want to reward you for the same. Furthermore, we want our members to interact and share their journey with us and each other. Talking to each other and putting forth your thoughts by engaging within the Zippy community creates an air of belongingness amongst us.
This journey into the United States has been nothing short of an INCREDIBLE experience! We want to ensure that we reward you as much as we can for minimal effort on your end. Rewarding our consumers is our mantra and we will continue to do the same in more creative and innovative ways going forward.
By the way, if you guys have any ideas/suggestions on what you guys want from the community, more contests, and more activities… literally anything at all and I mean ANYTHING, please don’t hesitate to write to us. We’d love to hear from yous. Love y’all, take care!!
Tell me how I can become a ZIPPAN Today.
Just follow this link – – – ->> https://in.zippyopinion.com/
Will I be spammed with undesired/unsolicited mails?
When you fill out a survey, Zippy Opinion uses your responses along with other participants’ responses to inform clients about consumer’s attitudes about their products or services. The registration information you fill out gives clients a general picture of what types of people filled out the survey: how many men versus women, average level of education, etc. We use your e-mail address to send you invitations to participate in new surveys and to contact you with messages about Zippy Opinion. We use your postal address to mail any survey-related incentives or product samples.
Are paid surveys worth the time?
You definitely won’t replace a full or part-time job filing out paid surveys.. that’s for sure. But hey at least you take care of those pesky electric bills, phone bills among others, and that still helps A LOT!